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Bostik Fireban® Expanda Foam is a ready to use, self-expanding, polyurethane foam with fire resistant up to a period of 2 hours as per AS1530.4 -2014.
Bostik Fireban® Expanda Foam is a ready to use, single component, self-expanding, polyurethane foam, fire resistant up to a period of 2 hours as per AS1530.4 -2014. – Fire resistant insulation of window and door frames
– Fire and smoke resistant sealing of connections between partition walls, ceilings and floors
– Filling of cavities
– All applications where fire resistant characteristics are required
• Fire resistant up to 120 minutes
• Meets AS 1530.4 – 2014
• Efficient seal against smoke and gas
• Excellent adhesion to most substrates (except Teflon, PE and PP)
• Excellent thermal and acoustic insulation
• High bonding strength
• Very good filling characteristics
• Excellent stability: no shrink or post expansion
• Can be painted after full cure (refer caution)
A high performance, neutral cure silicone sealant designed for use in sealing sheet metal and aluminium roofing, flashing, guttering, wall
Bostik Gap Seal is a general purpose, water based, acrylic gap filler, suitable for use on interior and exterior areas
One-part neutral cure silicone sealant designed for a wide range of glazing, weathersealing and professional caulking applications. It will bond
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